Friday, 1 April 2016

Snacks and Banana Bread (baby edition) recipe!

To let your baby snack or not....that is the question?!
The children's doctor that Benjamin was seeing in Lithuania is organizing lectures about baby's first foods and there she told that until baby starts walking - snack are not necessary. Ok, I thought.

When Benjamin started eating food, fully three times a day, he was still being not satisfied and wanting some snack in between. So I gave him. I am not going to starve my baby just because of some books or doctors :) So my choice of snacks are:

raw, peeled carrots
peeled apples
nectarines (a hit)
cookies with base from dates
baby rice crackers
bread crackers (very rarely)
baby cookies from Organix finger foods brand - this is a true finding this brand - totally love it.

At the beginning it was pretty hard to understand if he still wants food or not, but with the time I had my hands on it. If all the basics are satisfied: food, milk, nappie, water, means - mummy, I want a snack! And now you can't have an apple in the room and not give it to Benjamin :)

During this Easter we got this awesome book as a present - Deliciously Ella. I have read it before, my mum had it, now it's in my shelf! Full of interesting stuff - really. So my eye caught this courgette and banana bread recipe which I am going to share now, as I have made it and it's ridiculously delicious! I have made a baby edition though so Benjamin can enjoy it as well - no vanilla or maple syrup.

Courgette and Banana Bread (baby edition)

If anyone wonders courgette is a synonym for zucchini (cause I had a doubt :) )

Normal size zucchini
4 ripe bananas
Apple puree (I've cooked two peeled apples on a steam)
Cinnamon (two tablespoons)
Chia seeds
Oil you use - I use Ghi butter, like for everything mostly
Brown rice flour (recommended in the book) - as we live a bit in outskirts of Austria such things are non existent, so I have used brown bread wheat flour with linseed instead (300g.)

Use two tablespoons of Chia seeds - I immersed those into water a night before cooking.
Roughly grate zucchini (I used half of it). Mix it with 4 ripe bananas, apple puree, Chia seeds and around 300 g. of flour, cinnamon of course (one tablespoon is enough, unless you really love it :) ).
You can have one more banana for a decoration.
The whole mix shouldn't be too runny and too dry as well. 
Preheat the oven. I have cooked it in 180 C. degrees (on a fan function) for 45 min.
Cook it in a bread tin. I didn't have one for this time, so used all the forms that I have found at home. Definitely getting one now.
I covered the form with Ghi butter.
After 45 min. put it aside to cool down. If stored in closed container, the bread can be used for 5 days!

Buon apetit! Delicious courgette and banana bread (baby edition)!


niom niom by Mama  xx

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