Probably around month 8, I have started giving Benjamin food with chewy bits and as he already had 8 teeth, he constantly wanted to chew. Smoothly mashed purees are not that very good all the time as baby grows, he needs to learn how to chew and eat more normal food. As I have mentioned earlier, I am really afraid of baby choking, and as I had already few times where I had Benjamin on my knees to ''unchoke'' him....but probably it's the way to learn, isn't? So I have found that pancakes are a really awesome start to eating normal food. And that's how babies learn about texture and food, they can rip pancakes apart, feel whats inside (Benjamin eats those only using his hands, so it's everywhere!). If ingredients are a bit chunky, I just mash them before putting into a pancake mass. First pancakes that I have made were without any egg, so I have chosen stickier ingredients in order to glue it together, like: buckwheat or chickpeas. When Benjamin started eating egg, probably around month 8 or the end of 7th, I have mixed egg yolk into pancakes. I cook food that need sticking together in the oven, using no oil or no other fat. Pancakes are perfect for any day of time really, normally I make them for dinner as it's an easy meal before going to sleep.
And there's meat balls. Nothing new about them probably. I have already made meat balls from minced chicken and beef. When making with beef, I always put some veggies inside, so it would't be that dry. And when the meat ball is made I roll it in bread crumbs or corn grits and cook it in the oven! Normally I freeze what's left so to have it for future meals. I am really looking to buy a meat mincer so I could do it at home!
The whole food I make, I steam it in the baby food steamer from Avent. Amazing device, really recommended for home cooking mums as it blends at the same time!
So enough about the process, I will share few recipes that I have already tried and it's Niom Niom!!!
Potato Pancakes
They are very popular in Lithuania, it is one of national foods. But the original ones, I think, are too heavy for baby, so I made a lighter version. I haven't used any egg until he started eating one. So without eggs, pancakes get a bit soft and not sticking together, but that's fine, as it gets ripped in the first place!
Potatoes (cooked)
Zucchini (cooked) - can use any preferred veggie instead
Cook in the oven for until it sticks together, turn around and cook a bit more (total 15 min., watch out for burning!)
Combinations of these that I have made, were:
Pancakes with meat
All the ingredients steamed before shaping into pancakes. I used egg yolk to put them together. 15 min. in the oven. These ones were a hit!
Buckwheat Pancakes
Buckwheat is awesome for pancakes as it's sticky. And really yummy!
Carrot + Zucchini + Broccoli
Any combinations really. Depends on what your baby likes, what you have in the fridge at that moment.
The latest one's I have made were a bit sweeter pancakes, but its natural sugar, didn't harm anyone yet:)
Sweet Potato
Sweet potato is actually a discovery for me as in Lithuania we don't use it that much, but it's amazingly tasty, Benjamin loves it.
Chickpeas and broccoli balls - chickpeas are full of proteins, same as chicken or beef and doesn't contain any fats. Pancakes or balls made of chickpeas are a bit dry, but very good to chew. Chickpeas need immersing into water before cooking at least for 6 hours. Really yummy!
Another tip would be that pancakes and meat balls are not very suitable for journeys and trips. Not because it tastes different then, but because the bits are falling everywhere and it is a great mess after eating it!
Keep calm and eat pancakes!
niom niom by Mama xxx
Follow me on Instagram for every day baby food: niom_niom_by_Mama
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